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Breakfast & Smiles After School Clubs



The Club’s aims are to:

  • To provide a happy, enjoyable and secure environment where Parents and Carers feel confident to leave their children.
  • To provide positive social, physical, intellectual, creative and emotional experiences for the children.
  • Ensure that the children are appropriately supervised throughout the period of their attendance.
  • Promote acceptable behaviour of children by their own example.
  • Ensure the health and safety of children attending the Club.

The Parent’s responsibilities are to:

  • Book their children in via Arbor or the school office.
  • Ensure that their child/ren are collected promptly at the end of the Club, from the hall door.
  • Be aware that club leaders or the school cannot be held responsible for any accidents or incidents occurring to their child providing reasonable risk assessment has been carried out.
  • Snacks- Parents ensure that the school is aware of any special dietary requirements, preferences and food allergies that a child has, and any special health requirements via Arbor. We follow advice from the Children’s Food Trust. Please click for further information.  Snacks are served after 4:15pm
  • Medication – can only be administered with written authority from the parent/carer. Medication must be handed to a member of staff & must be in it’s original container, labelled with the child’s name, a form from the office must be completed including the dosage and times required.
  • Illness – If your child is ill whilst at the club, we will ensure that you are contacted immediately. Collection of children from the club will only be allowed by a named person/s on Arbor.  Please make sure that you keep staff updated on any changes to your contact telephone numbers.
  • Late collection of children, unless notified, will result in the club taking care of the child for half an hour after closure whilst continuing to contact all numbers given. If unsuccessful, the club is obliged to contact Social Services who will take responsibility for the child/ren and continue to try to contact parents until successful. The clubs reserve the right to withdraw the service if consistent late collection occurs.
  • Bad weather policies In the case of bad weather please contact the school Office at lunch time to confirm whether Smiles will be running that day.

The Children’s responsibilities are to:

  • Tell the Club leader if they need to leave the room/field/garden area for any reason.
  • Behave in the same way that would be expected of them during normal school hours.

The School’s responsibilities are to:

  • Ensure that a full risk assessment is carried out for all activities.
  • Ensure that there are two members of staff present on the school premises during all Club activities.
  • Ensure that all Club staff have undergone the necessary check for suitability to be involved in a Club for children.


Breakfast Club

  • 7:45 - 8:45  £3.20 (with breakfast)


  • 15:15 – 16:15 £3.70 (no snack)
  • 15:15 – 17:15 £7:60
  • 15:15 – 17:30 £9.00
  • 16:15 – 17:15 £4.00 (after a different club)
  • 16:15 – 17:30 £5.00


Bookings may be made by completing a booking on Arbor or via the office. Emergency bookings may be made by telephone to the office.


Our staff will make every effort to keep your child(ren) safe however from time to time accidents will occur. If your child(ren) are injured an accident record will be kept. You receive a letter if they receive a head bump.  If your child needs medical attention you will be contacted immediately. If your child requires hospital treatment and you are unable to attend quickly then any decision about medical care will be taken by medical staff.

Equal Opportunities

All children are given equal access to the Breakfast and Smiles clubs.

Smiles Club

We offer childcare from 3.15pm to 5.30pm every school day (excluding inset days). This is in response to many requests and expressions of interest from parents.

This is not going to be an extension of the school day, but a fun and informal session at the end of the day, for those who would like to use it. This will be in addition to the many clubs that will continue to remain on offer 3.15pm to 4:15pm.

There will be both planned activities and games along with informal, relaxing, chill out times. Snacks will be provided (between 4:15pm and 4:45pm).


Parents should notify the school office as normal if a child is absent on any day booked.


Payment can be made via Arbor.  You will book via Arbor and a charge will be applied on the day of the session.  Bookings made with short notice will be added as the booking is made.    Salary sacrifice schemes can be used by parents.


The club follows all school policies.