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School Meals


Goodrich School has an excellent 5 * kitchen.  It produces fresh, hot, nutritious and sustaining meals every day.

Mr Trapp and Miss Heaven ensure that there is something to suit all tastes and parents can choose what they would like from the menu and they are encouraged to eat a well-balanced meal.

Our youngest pupils eat first, to get them used to the routine, and staff supervisors are on hand to help with choices, managing knives and forks and cutting their food if necessary.

The juniors enjoy their time eating with friends whether they have a packed lunch or school meal.

School dinners need to be booked at the beginning of term when pupils may choose which day, or days, they would like to eat.  For nursery children the cost of a meal is £2.40 and junior children £3.00.

ALL children in Reception, Years 1 & Year 2 are entitled to Universal Free School Meals

Water is always available for drinking at any time of day and milk in cartons can be purchased via Cool Milk for break time.

Drinks in bottles may be brought in from home for drinking at lunchtime (no fizzy drinks please).  Water is always available.

Parents wishing to find out more about what their child is eating in school are welcome to make arrangements to speak to Mr Trapp (cook).

Mr M. Trapp

Miss D Heaven Goodrich School Meals

Miss D. Heaven

Free School Meals Entitlement – If your child does not have Free School Meals, but may be eligible because of your family’s income level, please contact the School Office (in confidence) to register them.  Even if you do not wish to have the meals or have children receiving Infant Universal Free School Meals, this would mean the school could still claim Pupil Premium Funding that will be used to help your child in many other ways.

All Goodrich Pupils queue together and eat together regardless of where the money comes from for their meals, this information is confidential.